Identity development as a learning outcome: a case study

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2022 (EN)

Identity development as a learning outcome: a case study (EL)
Identity development as a learning outcome: a case study (EN)

Kedraka, Katerina
Orfanidou, Charikleia

Learning outcomes and their wider impact on people's lives are underexplored among other aspects of learning. Considering lifelong learning as a concept that occur throughout life and is related to identity development, we investigated how lifelong learners perceive its impact in their lives.  In the current paper we present a case study of changes in identity’s elements as learning outcomes. As a part of a broader biographical research, the narrative of Eva’s learning experiences allowed researchers to investigate identity as the form that is transformed when transformative learning occurs and how relative theory can be applied in learning outcomes research. The learning experiences gradually developed Eva's lifelong learning identity, which had a significant influence on the development and transformation of her other identities as well. We discuss also learning identity as an element of Eva’ s core identity that helped her cope with difficulties by changing her learning choices to fulfill her personal development targets. (EL)
Learning outcomes and their wider impact on people's lives are underexplored among other aspects of learning. Considering lifelong learning as a concept that occur throughout life and is related to identity development, we investigated how lifelong learners perceive its impact in their lives.  In the current paper we present a case study of changes in identity’s elements as learning outcomes. As a part of a broader biographical research, the narrative of Eva’s learning experiences allowed researchers to investigate identity as the form that is transformed when transformative learning occurs and how relative theory can be applied in learning outcomes research. The learning experiences gradually developed Eva's lifelong learning identity, which had a significant influence on the development and transformation of her other identities as well. We discuss also learning identity as an element of Eva’ s core identity that helped her cope with difficulties by changing her learning choices to fulfill her personal development targets. (EN)


Career counselling (EL)
biografical research (EL)
identity development (EL)
transformative learning (EL)
Adults education (EL)
learning outcome (EL)
Critical Reflection (EL)
lifelong learning (EL)
Career counselling (EN)
identity development (EN)
Transformative learning (EN)
transformative learning (EN)
Adults education (EN)
learning outcome (EN)
Critical Reflection (EN)
biographical research (EN)
lifelong learning (EN)

Έρευνα στην Εκπαίδευση



Ε.Π.Ε.Ε.Π. / Laboratory of Research in Pedagogy and Educational Practices (EL)

Έρευνα στην Εκπαίδευση; Τόμ. 11 Αρ. 1 (2022); 189-196 (EL)
Hellenic Journal of Research in Education; Vol. 11 No. 1 (2022); 189-196 (EN)

Copyright (c) 2022 Charikleia Orfanidou, Katerina Kedraka (EN)

*Institutions are responsible for keeping their URLs functional (digital file, item page in repository site)