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2008 (EN)

Introductory Notes to the Theory of International Trade

Katranidis, Stelios

Liargovas. Panagiotis
Vasiliou, Dimitrios

The handbook aims to provide the necessary tools for a thorough understanding of: the basic principles of the theory of international trade, trade policies adopted by governments,economic integration, trade liberalization, globalization and, moreover, to familiarize the student with diagrammatic techniques and fundamental mathematical methods in ITT.A prerequisite for the thorough understanding of the reading material is a basic knowledge of microeconomic principles. While some of the material in this handbook presents sections that will allow students to better understand the main reading material there is surely not a one-to-one relation of the chapters presented in this handbook and the issues examined in the main reading material.
This text presents some of the basic theorems that have shaped Classical and Neo-Classical Trade Theory. Amongst other topics, we discuss gains from trade, distribution of gains, government intervention policies and economic integration. An aid to the main reading material for an “easy”, example-based, diagram-based examination of some of the main issues the novice student of international economics will encounter.


Κλάδοι σε συρρίκνωση
Εξαγωγικές επιδοτήσεις
Μερική ισορροπία
Αύξηση δημοσίων δαπανών
Κρατικές προμήθειες
Όροι εμπορίου
Απόλυτο πλεονέκτημα
Ζώνη Ελευθέρου εμπορίου
Λόγος μετασχηματισμού
Νηπιακοί κλάδοι
Μικρή εισαγωγική χώρα
Καμπύλες κοινωνικής ευημερίας
Κλασικός δασμός
Κοινή αγορά
Αποτελέσματα ευημερίας
Εμπορικό ισοζύγιο
Αρχή της μη διάκρισης
Εθνική ασφάλεια
Μεγάλη εξαγωγική χώρα
, παγκόσμιος οργανισμός εμπορίου, πλέον ευνοημένο κράτος, πολυινική συμφωνία, πολυμερής διαπραγματεύσεις, ποσοστό ονομαστικής προστασίας, ποσοστό πραγματικής προστασίας, ποσοστώσεις, προδιαγραφές υγιεινής και ασφάλειας, προσέγγιση ατομικού οικονομικού συμφέροντος, προσέγγιση κοινωνικής φροντίδας, προστασία για λόγους αντιποίνων, προστασία για λόγους υγιεινής, στήριξη εθνικών προγραμμάτων πολιτικής, συγκριτικό πλεονέκτημα, συμφωνία για την κλωστοϋφαντουργία και την ένδυση, τελωνειακή ένωση, permission slips, import permits, reciprocity, absolute advantage, welfare effects, negative integration, νon-discrimination, increase in public income, autarky, labor abundant countries, capital abundant countries, general equilibrium models, general agreement on tariffs and trade (gatt), tariff, inter- industry trade , voluntary export restraints, national security, trade balance, intra-business trade, intra-industry trade, labor intensive commodities, capital intensive commodities, subsidies, specialization, free trade zone, positive integration, social welfare functions, ad-valorem tariffs, variable levies, shrinking industries, specific tariffs, textiles and clothing, common market, government procurement., product cycle, rate of transformation, large importing country, large exporting country, large countries, partial equilibrium models, small importing country, small exporting country, small countries, infant industry argument, εconomic integration, terms of trade., gains from trade, world trade organization., most favored nation, multi-fiber agreement, multilateral negotiations, nominal rate of protection, effective rate of protection, quotas, health and security standards, economic self-interest approach, social concerns approach, protection from retaliation, sanitation and health, support to national products, comparative advantage, agreement on textiles and clothing, customs union
Γενική συμφωνία δασμών και εμπορίου
Οφέλη από το εμπόριο
Θετική ολοκλήρωση
Άδειες εισαγωγών ποσοστώσεων
Κατ’ αξία δασμός
Μεγάλη χώρα
Αρνητική ολοκλήρωση
Εθελοντικοί περιορισμοί
Ένταση εργασίας
Μικρή χώρα
Μικρή εξαγωγική χώρα
Κύκλος ζωής
Οικονομική ένωση
Αφθονία κεφαλαίου
Ένταση κεφαλαίου
Μεγάλη εισαγωγική χώρα
Αφθονία εργασίας



Students in ITT should thoroughly examine the respective sections of this handbook as the course progresses and various topics are covered. In the beginning of the course, as is usually done in introductory ITT courses, the theory of Ricardo and the Heckscher –Ohlin model are presented. Students should allow ample time to go through chapters 1 and 2 and the respective solved exercises. Following the study of the material and the solved exercises, they should be able to go through the respective exercises (that are not solved), presented in Chapter 10. Accordingly, as the course progresses, students should go through the remainder chapters of the handbook. The necessary study time ranges for the respective student who should, however, make sure that he/she thoroughly understands the material and the solved exercises. (150 Σελίδες)

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