Using graph theoretical methods to evaluate EEG signals in schizophrenia

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2006 (EN)

Using graph theoretical methods to evaluate EEG signals in schizophrenia (EN)

Ζερβακης Μιχαηλ (EL)
Ερημάκη Σοφία (EL)
Τσίρκα Βασιλική (EL)
Τόλης Γιάννης (EL)
Πάχου Έλλη (EL)
Μιχελογιάννης Σήφης (EL)
Sakkalis, Vangelis (EN)
Micheloyannis SifisMichelogiannis Sifis (EN)
Tsirka Vasiliki (EN)
Pachou Ellie (EN)
Oikonomou Theophanis (EN)
Zervakis Michail (EN)
Tolis Yannis (EN)
Erimaki Sophia (EN)

Πολυτεχνείο Κρήτης (EL)
Technical University of Crete (EN)

Higher brain functions are companied by synchronous neuronal interplay expressed by the different EEG bands. Analyzing these bands is possible to study the complexity of neuronal assemblies. Nonlinearity, nonstationarity and complexity characterize physiologic systems including CNS. The myriad of structural units and feedback loops of the brain operate over a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. This information is included in EEG signals. (EN)

short paper

Basic medical sciences,Basic sciences, Medical,Biomedical sciences,Health sciences,Preclinical sciences,Sciences, Medical,medical sciences,basic medical sciences,basic sciences medical,biomedical sciences,health sciences,preclinical sciences,sciences medical (EN)



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