Framing prostitution policies. A comparision of Slovenia and Austria

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2016 (EN)

Framing prostitution policies. A comparision of Slovenia and Austria (EL)
Framing prostitution policies. A comparision of Slovenia and Austria (EN)

Sauer, Birgit
Hrzenjak, Majda
Tertinegg, Karin
Jalusic, Vlasta

In the article, the authors explore how prostitution policies as explicitly gendered policies are framed in two countries, Austria and Slovenia. These countries share many elements of historical, cultural and religious setting even if their political systems and cultures developed in different ways. The background of prostitution policies, policy environment and actors in both countries is outlined. The authors then present the frames found in the two countries and compare them. In the last part of the paper, first comparative explanations for differences and similarities in framing and policy outcome are given. The main argument is that frames on prostitution have undergone considerable changes in both countries, but conceptualisations of women as the «Other» and of «voluntary versus forced» prostitution are central to the debates in both countries. (EL)
In the article, the authors explore how prostitution policies as explicitly gendered policies are framed in two countries, Austria and Slovenia. These countries share many elements of historical, cultural and religious setting even if their political systems and cultures developed in different ways. The background of prostitution policies, policy environment and actors in both countries is outlined. The authors then present the frames found in the two countries and compare them. In the last part of the paper, first comparative explanations for differences and similarities in framing and policy outcome are given. The main argument is that frames on prostitution have undergone considerable changes in both countries, but conceptualisations of women as the «Other» and of «voluntary versus forced» prostitution are central to the debates in both countries. (EN)


Επιθεώρηση Κοινωνικών Ερευνών




Επιθεώρηση Κοινωνικών Ερευνών; 2005: 117 B' Special Issue: Differences in the framing of gender inequality as a policy problem across Europe. Editors: Mieke Verloo and Maro Pantelidou Maloutas; 93-118 (EL)
The Greek Review of Social Research; 2005: 117 B' Special Issue: Differences in the framing of gender inequality as a policy problem across Europe. Editors: Mieke Verloo and Maro Pantelidou Maloutas; 93-118 (EN)

Copyright (c) 2016 Majda Hrzenjak, Vlasta Jalusic, Birgit Sauer, Karin Tertinegg (EN)

*Institutions are responsible for keeping their URLs functional (digital file, item page in repository site)