Problems of the refugees of Northern Greece in the Greek Parliament

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1987 (EN)

Προσφυγικά προβλήματα του βορειοελλαδικού και λοιπού χώρου στο ελληνικό κοινοβούλιο (1924-1928) (EL)
Problems of the refugees of Northern Greece in the Greek Parliament (EN)

Πελαγίδης, Στάθης

No abstract (EL)
In the years 1924 to 1928 the Greek Parliament is invaded by refugees’ memoranda (by individuals, groups, associations, communities). The memoranda contain appeals for immediate action for the solution of the pressing problems of the refugees such as: indemnities, housing and distribution of lots as well as wider social claims.It is worth noticing, that during this period the problem of the refugees is going through its most critical phase and consists the main problem of the successive governments. For this reason the problem is widely discussed in parliament and causes the sympathy of deputies and parties.This work, based on those memoranda from the refugees that are received in the parliament from all over the country, aspires:1. to present an image of the refugees’ problems by order of importance,2. to outline the rerepercussions of those problems in the Greek Parliament.Its sources are the official minutes of the parliament during this period (1924-1928). (EN)





Εταιρεία Μακεδονικών Σπουδών/Society for Macedonian Studies (EL)

Μακεδονικά; Τόμ. 26: Αφιερούται εις την μνήμην Χρίστου Ευαγγ. Λαμπρινού, Αθανασίου Ιω. Κωνσταντινίδου; 63-97 (EL)
Makedonika; Vol. 26: Αφιερούται εις την μνήμην Χρίστου Ευαγγ. Λαμπρινού, Αθανασίου Ιω. Κωνσταντινίδου; 63-97 (EN)

Copyright (c) 2015 Στάθης Πελαγίδης (EN)

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