1/d estimates of boson and fermion masses and the critical lines for a U(1)L⊗U(1)R lattice Yukawa model

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1992 (EN)

1/d estimates of boson and fermion masses and the critical lines for a U(1)L⊗U(1)R lattice Yukawa model (EN)

Koutsoumbas, G (EN)
Farakos, K (EN)

We find the phase diagram and calculate the boson and fermion masses of a chiral Yukawa model by applying the 1/d expansion to the first subleading order in 1/d. Most of the features found in numerical simulations are reproduced, including the increase of the fermion mass as the critical line is approached from the broken phase. (EN)

journalArticle (EN)

Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics (EN)

1992 (EN)

3 (EN)
03702693 (EN)
314 (EN)
306 (EN)
291 (EN)
10.1016/0370-2693(92)91050-J (EN)

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