Digital storytelling: a creative writing study in the foreign language classroom

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2018 (EN)

Digital storytelling: a creative writing study in the foreign language classroom (EN)


The utilization of digital storytelling in the English language classroom, based on the implementation of Web 2.0 tools such as Blendspace, constitutes an innovative, alternative didactic proposal aiming at the improvement of the students’ production of narrative texts. The results of this study, which was conducted in the form of an action research, provide indications that the use of ICT contributed to the shaping of a technologically supported learning environment, much more attractive and motivating for the students, thus leading to a more accurate interpretation and understanding of the concepts of “narration” and “digital storytelling”, whilst contributing to the students’ commitment to the goal as well as to the improvement of their narrative texts. (EN)


Narration, digital storytelling, Blendspace, Web 2.0 tools (EN)



Urray (EN)

Educational Journal of the University of Patras UNESCO Chair; Vol. 5, N. 2 (2018) - Narratives of reflexivity and inclusiveness (EL)
Educational Journal of the University of Patras UNESCO Chair; Vol. 5, N. 2 (2018) - Narratives of reflexivity and inclusiveness (EN)

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