repository | 1,280 items

Institution : National Centre for Social Research (EKKE)  

Service provider : National Documentation Centre (EKT)  

Published without interruption since 1969, The Greek Review of Social Research is the oldest Greek journal for the social sciences and one of the first to adopt the blind peer review system. An editorial committee of three EKKE researchers and two external social scientists appointed by the EKKE’s Board of Administration for a period of two years is responsible for the publication procedures and the standards of the Review’s scholarship. The editorial committee is supported by a scientific committee of distinguished social scientists whose role is advisory as regards the development and dissemination of the journal. The Greek Review of Social Research is supported by public funds and has no publication charges or fees.

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Partial document (1280), Article (1280), Journal part (1280), Scientific article (1280), Review (146), Book review (146), PhD thesis summary (12), Thesis (12)
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Articles (1105), Book reviews (146), Research presentation (16), PhD Theses (12)