Developing the Greek Reference Index for the Social Sciences and Humanities

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2014 (EN)

Developing the Greek Reference Index for the Social Sciences and Humanities

IOS Press BV
Dobreva, Milena
Polydoratou, Panayiota
Αγγελίδη, Ελένη (EL)
Σαχίνη, Εύη (EL)
Τσουκαλά, Βικτωρία (EL)
Παναγοπούλου, Αλεξία (EL)
Σταύρου, Γιώργος (EL)
Ναυπλιώτης, Αλέξανδρος (EL)
Nafpliotis, Alexandros (EN)
Angelidi, Eleni (EN)
Sachini, Evi (EN)
Tsoukala, Viktoria (EN)
Stavrou, Giorgos (EN)
Panagopoulou, Alexia (EN)

The Greek Reference Index for the Social Sciences and Humanities(GRISSH) is a service that collects, documents, stores and, where possible, provides access to peer-reviewed publications in the Social Sciences and the Humanities (SSH) by Greek publishers. It also provides long-term preservation for the digital and print files of the publications. The GRISSH was conceived by the National Documentation Centre (EKT) and the documentation and access platform is developed by the organization itself (OpenABEKT). The GRISSH is, in essence, a collaborative project that advances with the assistance and active participation of the publishing and scholarly community in Greece. It is intended as an essential reference service for the research and publishing community in Greece and abroad. The present contribution presents the goals, objectives and key benefits of the project; the evaluation criteria for the selection of content; the specifications for the development of the index; the methodology of documentation; the emerging collaborations with stakeholders. It also, present how the GRISSH project is aligned with the national and international agendas in view of a coordinated development and e-infrastructure that will support the sectors of academia, research and academic publishing (EN)

Κεφάλαιο σε πρακτικά συνεδρίου (EL)
Conference proceeding chapter (EN)

Τεκμηρίωση (EL)
Επιστήμη ηλεκτρονικών υπολογιστών (EL)
Κοινωνικές Επιστήμες (EL)
Ανθρωπιστικές επιστήμες, γενικά (EL)
Humanities, general (EN)
Humanities (EN)
Peer review content (EN)
e-Infrastructure (EN)
Social Sciences (EN)
Greek Reference Index (EN)
Documentation (EN)
Computer Science (EN)
Open access (EN)
openABEKT (EN)




Thessaloniki, Greece, 2014-06-18 - 2014-06-20

*Institutions are responsible for keeping their URLs functional (digital file, item page in repository site)