Ensuring the quality and interoperability of open cultural digital content: System architecture and scalability

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2014 (EN)

Ensuring the quality and interoperability of open cultural digital content: System architecture and scalability

Γεωργιάδης, Χάρης (EL)
Μπάνος, Βαγγέλης (EL)
Χούσος, Νικόλαος (EL)
Σαχίνη, Εύη (EL)
Σταθόπουλος, Παναγιώτης (EL)
Σταθοπούλου, Ιωάννα-Ουρανία (EL)
Stathopoulos, Panagiotis (EN)
Houssos, Nikolaos (EN)
Banos, Vangelis (EN)
Sachini, Evi (EN)
Georgiadis, Haris (EN)
Stathopoulou, Ioanna-Ourania (EN)

We present an Open Cultural Digital Content Infrastructure, a platform providing a coherent suite of loosely-coupled services that aim to promote metadata quality in repositories and facilitate metadata data and digital content reuse. The key functions of the infrastructure are the aggregation of metadata and digital files and the automatic validation of metadata records and digital material for compliance with desired quality specifications. The system that has recently moved to production, is currently being employed to ensure the quality standards of the output of more than 70 projects that support Greek cultural heritage organisations and are funded by the European Union structural funds. These projects are expected to produce more than 1.5 million digitised and born-digital items accompanied with detailed metadata. The validation is based on a set of quality and interoperability specifications that have been developed for the purpose. In this paper we emphasize on Validator and Aggregator components and present experimental results of their scalability. (EN)

Κεφάλαιο σε πρακτικά συνεδρίου (EL)
Conference proceeding chapter (EN)

Τεκμηρίωση (EL)
Επιστήμη ηλεκτρονικών υπολογιστών (EL)
Πηγές πληροφόρησης (EL)
Cultural Heritage Infrastructures (EN)
Metadata quality (EN)
Interoperability guidelines (EN)
Metadata harvesting (EN)
Computer Science (EN)
Documentation (EN)
Digital content aggregration (EN)
Metadata aggregation (EN)
Metadata validation (EN)
Information sources (EN)
Digital content validation (EN)



The 5th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications, IISA 2014, Chania, IISA 2014, The 5th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications, 2014, 2014-07-07 - 2014-07-09

© 2014 IEEE
This is the accepted version of Author's manuscript. The final version published by IEEE and is available at: Georgiadis, Haris & Banos, Vangelis & Stathopoulou, Ioanna-Ourania & Stathopoulos, Panagiotis & Houssos, Nikos & Sachini, Evi. (2014). Ensuring the quality and interoperability of open cultural digital content: System architecture and scalability. IISA 2014 - 5th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications. 178-183. 10.1109/IISA.2014.6878804.

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