3 and the salts of the lake are of the type Na-CI- (CO3-S04). The salts of the lake result from mixing and condensation of the waters which are accumulated in the basin of the lake, and come not only from sources that feed the lake, e.g. waters from borehole, but also from rain water. The waters of these sources are mainly of meteoritic origin and circulate deeply, mixing probably with salt water of deeper and probably of warmer horizons. The latter comes in agreement with the hydrothermal field, which exists in the area. From hydrochemical data, the brines of summer clearly correspond to waters, which have been submitted under high degree of evaporation: they are residual mother solutions before the step of the precipitation of halite. During winter, dilution of brines and dissolution of depositing minerals by fresh water are observed. On the other hand, evaporating conditions are created in the lake during summer.. Ελληνική Γεωλογική Εταιρεία. Dotsika, E.. Άδεια χρήσης: briefEDMInternalRecordDTO_edm:rights_http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0" />
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