The general and overarching objective of the Academy of Athens, in accordance with its Founding Charter, is the cultivation and advancement of the Sciences, Humanities and Fine Arts, along with the communication of the Foundation and its Members with other Academies and fellow Academicians. In fulfillment of its objective the Academy conducts scientific research projects and studies in the areas of agriculture, industry, shipping, national economy. Furthermore it issues consultations, proposals, it adopts decisions and judgments for the instruction and guidance of the bodies and authorities of the state.

collection | 436 items
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Book (436)

collection | 5 items

Service provider : Academy of Athens  

The research purposes and mission of the Center are the following: 1. Linguistic inspection of the neologisms of the Modern Greek Language. 2. Suggestions for replacement of foreign neologisms with Greek terms - provided that the foreign neologisms have not yet been widely adopted - and for the proper use of the Greek language. 3. Formulation in Greek of recent scientific terminology in line with the new scientific achievements.

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Book (5)

collection | 1,159 items

Service provider : Academy of Athens  

The Research Centre for Greek Philosophy of the Academy of Athens was founded in 1966 in order to contribute in the highest possible degree to research concerning Greek philosophy and its history. Officially it started to function in the spring of 1970 and it became a vehicle for the systematic research and thorough study of the ancient philosophical sources and texts of the Greek philosophers as well as for the compilation and critical evaluation of modern bibliography on Greek philosophy, from its very beginning (presocratic, Platonic, Aristotelian) through the Hellenistic and Byzantine period to the 18th and 19th century.

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Article (1147), Scientific article (1147), Partial document (1114), Journal part (1114), Journal issue (33), Book (12)

collection | 9,837 items

Service provider : Academy of Athens  

The Centre, through research and publications, is one of the main institutions promoting the study of the history of Greek law as well as its influence on other legal systems.

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Study (9837), Partial document (3772), Chapter (3772), Yearbook (279), Book (63), Document (1), Manuscript (1)

collection | 7 items

Service provider : Academy of Athens  

The mission of the Centre is to carry out research on the history of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Art, focusing on the architectural and painted monuments, as well as all other works of art of the era.

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Book (7)

collection | 776 items

Service provider : Academy of Athens  

The object of the Research Centre is to collect, study and publish sources related to the history of the metropolitan, peripheral and emigrant hellenic world since the 19th century. To support this object the Centre has acquired a collection of original documents and of microfilms and a specialised library, and it conducts research projects and publications.

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Book (651), Article (93), Scientific article (93), Partial document (87), Journal part (87), Map (32), Journal issue (6)