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Τύπος τεκμηρίου
Γεωγραφική κάλυψη
Πασιθέη - Ηλεκτρονικές επιστημονικές δημοσιεύσεις Ανοικτής Πρόσβασης
Φίλτρα αποτελεσμάτων
ΕΚΤ τύπος τεκμηρίου
Εκπαιδευτικό υλικό
Βιβλιοκρισία / Βιβλιοπαρουσίαση
Τεύχος περιοδικού
Τμήμα έκδοσης
Πίνακας περιεχομένων
Σημείωμα εκδότη
Τμήμα περιοδικού
2020 - 2024
2015 - 2019
2010 - 2014
2005 - 2009
2000 - 2004
1995 - 1999
Αγγλική γλώσσα
Γαλλική γλώσσα
Ελληνική γλώσσα
Φορέας / συλλογή
Πανεπιστήμιο Πατρών
Πασιθέη - Ηλεκτρονικές επιστημονικές δημοσιεύσεις Ανοικτής Πρόσβασης
Επιμέρους συλλογή
Academia:Κειμενα προερχόμενα απο τα σεμιναρια
Academia:Students essays
Academia:Thematic issue
Αξιολογικά:Αλληλεγγύη, ηθική, ευδαιμονία
Αξιολογικά:Ανθρωπολογία και πολιτική
Αξιολογικά:Ερμηνευτικές προσεγγίσεις του 20ού αιώνα
Αξιολογικά:Η κριτική της θεωρησιακής φιλοσοφίας
Αξιολογικά:Κυριαρχία: Πολιτική και αξίες
Αξιολογικά:Μετά τον Φώυερμπαχ
Educational Journal of the University of Patras UNESCO Chair:Άρθρα
Educational Journal of the University of Patras UNESCO Chair:Editorial
Educational Journal of the University of Patras UNESCO Chair:Varia
Electra:Αρχαία ελληνική μυθολογία και θρησκεία
Ελληνική Φιλοσοφική Επιθεώρηση:ΑΠΟΨΕΙΣ
Ελληνική Φιλοσοφική Επιθεώρηση:ΠΑΡΟΥΣΙΑΣΕΙΣ ΒΙΒΛΙΩΝ
Ελληνική Φιλοσοφική Επιθεώρηση:ΔΙΑΦΟΡΑ
Ελληνική Φιλοσοφική Επιθεώρηση:ΦΙΛΟΣΟΦΙΚΕΣ ΔΡΑΣΤΗΡΙΟΤΗΤΕΣ
Ελληνική Φιλοσοφική Επιθεώρηση:ΑΝΑΦΟΡΑ ΣΤΟΝ ΕΥΑΓΓΕΛΟ ΠΑΠΑΝΟΥΤΣΟ (1900-1982)
Ελληνική Φιλοσοφική Επιθεώρηση:ΜΕΛΕΤΕΣ
Ελληνική Φιλοσοφική Επιθεώρηση:ΑΝΑΦΟΡΑ ΣΤΟΝ ΠΑΝΑΓΙΩΤΗ ΚΑΝΕΛΛΟΠΟΥΛΟ (1902-1986)
Ελληνική Φιλοσοφική Επιθεώρηση:ΣΕΛΙΔΑ ΤΙΤΛΟΥ - ΠΕΡΙΕΧΟΜΕΝΑ
Ελληνική Φιλοσοφική Επιθεώρηση:ΦΙΛΟΣΟΦΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΕΚΠΑΙΔΕΥΣΗ
Ελληνική Φιλοσοφική Επιθεώρηση:ΦΙΛΟΣΟΦΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΖΩΗ
Ελληνική Φιλοσοφική Επιθεώρηση:ΦΙΛΟΣΟΦΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΛΟΓΟΤΕΧΝΙΑ
Ελληνική Φιλοσοφική Επιθεώρηση:ΦΙΛΟΣΟΦΙΚΕΣ ΣΥΖΗΤΗΣΕΙΣ
International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications:Άρθρα
Modern Greek Dialects and Linguistics Theory:Πίνακας Περιεχομένων
Modern Greek Dialects and Linguistics Theory:Articles
Modern Greek Dialects and Linguistics Theory:CompleteIssue
Modern Greek Dialects and Linguistics Theory:Table of Contents
Modern Greek Dialects and Linguistics Theory:Editorial
Mediterranean Journal of Education:Άρθρα
Mediterranean Journal of Education:Editorial
Mediterranean Morphology Meeting:Άρθρα
Mediterranean Morphology Meeting:Articles
Mediterranean Morphology Meeting:Complete Issue
Mediterranean Morphology Meeting:Editorial
Mediterranean Morphology Meeting:Section I: Plenary Papers
Mediterranean Morphology Meeting:Section II: Allomorphy
Mediterranean Morphology Meeting:Section III: Compounding
Mediterranean Morphology Meeting:Section IV: Inflection
Patras Working Papers in Linguistics:Μέρος Α
Patras Working Papers in Linguistics:Άρθρα πρώτου τεύχους
Patras Working Papers in Linguistics:Άρθρα
Patras Working Papers in Linguistics:Άρθρα
Patras Working Papers in Linguistics:Μέρος Β
Patras Working Papers in Linguistics:Περιεχόμενα
Patras Working Papers in Linguistics:Παραρτήματα
Patras Working Papers in Linguistics:Editorial
Review of Science, Mathematics and ICT Education:Άρθρα
Review of Science, Mathematics and ICT Education:Editorial
International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications
Mediterranean Journal of Education
Mediterranean Morphology Meeting
Modern Greek Dialects and Linguistics Theory
Patras Working Papers in Linguistics
Review of Science, Mathematics and ICT Education
Ελληνική Φιλοσοφική Επιθεώρηση
Κριτικές Μελέτες για την Πολιτιστική Κληρονομιά
Τύπος τεκμηρίου
Non-refereed Book Review
Peer-reviewed Article
Άρθρο κατόπιν προσκλήσεως
Άρθρο που έχει περάσει από ομότιμη αξιολόγηση
Άρθρο το οποίο έχει περάσει από ομότιμη αξιολόγηση
Σημείωμα που έχει περάσει από ομότιμη αξιολόγηση
: language attitudes, variety of Chios, questionnaires, Conversation Analysis, membership categorization
: ακολουθία των χρόνων, χρόνος, γραμματική όψη, λεξική όψη, ότι-προτάσεις, μελέτη με σώματα κειμένων
3D printer, creative design, rapid prototyping, additive manufacturing, activity
3D printing technology, Activity Theory, modeling’s approach of Additive Manufacturing, fablabs
Abstraction, technicality, grammatical metaphor, nominalization, Systemic Functional Linguistics, History, Physical Science, Greek textbooks
Academic Careers and Brain Drain
Academic integrity, plagiarism, cheating, education, ethics.
Academic performance, parenting style, parental involvement, influence, secondary school students
Academic Performance, Predictor, Rating, Regression Model, Unified State Exam
Academic purpose, mobile phone, students’ awareness
Academic recognition, Lisbon Convention, Bologna Process, Ministerial Communications
Academics of 19th century, memoirs, university of 19th century, Ragkavis, Pilikas, Saripolos
Academic stakeholders
academic success
Acceleration, difficulties, student, typology, learning
Action, reason, geometric middle, developmental perspective, International Center for Genetic Epistemology
Active Learning, Problem-Based Learning, flipped Classroom, procedural programming
Activity, artifact, instrument, instrumentalisation, integrated linear amplifier
Adequacy training-employment, epistemology, professional identity, occupational integration, teaching practices, professional knowledge, school knowledge
Adult secondary education, teaching of mathematics, utility
Affirmative Action
Agenda 2030, European Union, Professionals, Right to Education and Training
AIDS, HIV, Health promotion, Students, University
Algebra tiles, benefits, challenges, college Mathematics teachers
American Sign Language
Analyse lexicométrique, analyse thématique, triangulation méthodologique, biodiversité, curriculum
Analyse of the activity, strategy, behaviour, spreadsheet, learning
Ancient remains, amphorae, mediation
Angle, rotation, simulation, Scratch
Animation, cognitive level, cognitive load, virtual reality
Anthropology of Education, Hermeneutic Content Analysis, knowledge, education, Brazil
Apache Flink
Apprenticeship of observation, Greek as L2, teachers’ beliefs, L2 learning experiences.
Approach skills, program, investigation, enforcement
Area Measurement, teaching area measurement, measurement tools, elementary school
Argumentation, personal epistemology, learning, socio-scientific issues, digital
Art education, artistic creation, education, subjective teaching, creation
Art education, didactics, aesthetics and education
Artefact, technical object, categorization, learning, technological education
Artificial vision technologies
Arvanitika, Modern Greek varieties, sequence of tenses, diminutives, subordination, borrowed suffixes
Asclepius, Justin martyr, Athenagoras, Clement of Alexandria, Origen, Contra Celsum, euhemerism
Asclepius, testimonials, medical treatment, Aristides
Aspects of adulthood, emerging adulthood, higher education students, roles of adults
ATB-questions, wh&wh-questions, multiple dominance, Remerge, Constraint on Sharing
Attachment, institutes, institutional elements, researchers, Vietnam higher education institutions
Attitude, ICTs, training device, teachers training.
Attrition, Science Teacher Education, Open and Distance Education, Pre-service Teachers
Augmented reality
Autism spectrum disorder, science education, folk physics test
Autonomy, physics and chemistry, teachers, middle school
Autonomy, student, physics, physics teacher, high school
Avalanche, joint action theory for didactics (JATD), physics, resources, science communication
Bac-3 and Bac + 3 project, chemistry, semiotic register, modelling process
Big Data
Bilingualism, national languages, diglossia, linguistic ideology, language policy
Biological education, educational role of museums, zoological museum, environmental awareness, urban birds
Biological evolution, design of teaching, epistemology, scientific status, socio-cultural context
Biological evolution, randomness, pupils’ conceptions, discussion with philosophic aim
Biology, competencies, national / global context, PISA, school-based exams
Biotic system, energy chain, task condition, student’s action, experimental protocol
Block diagram, regulation, servo control, technical system
Bloodstream, scientific debate, language interactions, cognitive work
Bologna process
Bologna Process, globalisation, policy ensemble, higher education, discourse
Bologna Process, issues, participants
Bologna Process, learning outcomes, EHEA
Canadian science museums, mission statements, museum mission statements, roles, science centres, science museums
Capital Concentration
Career Guidance
Carrières Scientifiques et Fuite de Cerveaux (Brain Drain)
Centers of Vocational Excellence
Central Semitic
Chain of Custody
Chemical education
Chemical reaction, MBL, Lebanon, labwork
Children, COVID-19, preventive practices
Children, ICT, technology, home, early childhood education
Children’s representations, preschool education, clouds, early childhood science education
Choix d’études supérieurs
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
Citizenship, higher education, post-truth democracy, trust, communicative action.
Citizenship behaviour, teacher, students, academic performance
Co-disciplinary research and study course
Cognitive development, Learning Disabilities, collaborative learning activities, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT’s)
Cognitive development, writing, child, evolution, reasoning, problem resolving
Cognitive ergonomics, space ergonomics, computer laboratory
Cognitive errors, dysfunctional assumptions, cognitive psychotherapy, transformative learning
Cognitive Style, gender, instructional puzzle, retention, Social Studies
Community, resources, teachers
Comprehension, bricolage, learning, constructivism
Computational thinking, learning analytics, systematic mapping, K-12, education
Computer Science, teaching, disciplinary knowledge, technological knowledge, teacher training, TPACK
Computer vision
Concept, conceptual, schemes, theorem-in-action, concept-in-action, microcontroller
Concept force, didactic transposition, mathematical approach, students’ difficulties misconceptions
Concept formation, philosophical theories, biology education, vertebrate classes
Concept formation, philosophy, biology education, classification of living organisms
Conception, learning, complexity, ecosystem
Conception, level of knowledge, teachers, program, learning of chemistry
Conceptions, socio-constructivism, learning, breathing
Conceptions, students 5 to 7 years, time, speed, methodology, qualitative analysis
Conceptions of learning
Conceptual knowledge, procedural knowledge, fractions, rational numbers, secondary students
Conditions d’Études
Construction Morphology
Content analysis, qualitative research, primary school, scientific research activity
Content and Language Integrated Learning, English, physics, didactics, upper secondary school, higher learning
Contextual issues, history of science, effective learning, physics education
Contradictions, conflicts, turning points, early childhood, science education, motives, demands, everyday concepts, scientific concepts
Contrastive analysis
Cooperative learning, jigsaw technical, skills development, teaching/learning
Cooperative learning, self-regulation, complex problem, epistemology of science
Cooperative problem solving, mathematical problem solving, help-seeking strategies, control during problem solving
Council of Europe, Roma minority, Higher Education, University
COVID-19, distance learning, e- learning, blending learning
Cretan dialect, Late Medieval and Early Modern Greek, nominal inflection, inflectional classes, morphological change
Critical Discourse Analysis, Systemic Functional Linguistics, in- vs. out-groups, Legitimation, Primary Education teachers, Greek crisis
Critical thinking, Distance Education, barriers, tutors
Critical thinking, skepticism, Philosophical Education
Cultural capital, educational expectations, occupational expectations, primary school, natives, immigrants
Curriculum contents, curriculum analyses, curriculum content appropriateness and relevance, indigenous scientific knowledge, basic science curriculum
Curriculum Design
Cypriot Greek, bidialectalism, diglossia, koine, levelling, acquisition, reallocation
Data Science
Deep learning
Deliberative democracy, deliberation, civic education
Désenchantement, enchantement, éducation, interaction
Développement de Recherche
Didactical communication, teacher, student
Didactic autonomy, pedagogical autonomy, university teacher, France, professional identity
Didactic of physics, mechanical work, diagrams, semiotic actions
Didactic of sciences, Task-activity, semiotic registers, energetic chain, primary school
Didactic of sciences, task-activity, survey, energetic chain, primary school
Didactics, assessment, curriculum, training, performances
Didactics, creativity, metacognition, problem, representation.
Didactic transposition, immunity, textbook
Didactic transposition, kindergarten curriculum, qualitative text analysis
Didactic transposition, science education, manual analysis, atom
Didactique Universitair Pédagogie
Digital educational scenarios, AESOP, mechanical engineering, constructivism
Digital Games, Games-based Learning, Early Childhood Education, preschool teachers’ views, Greece
Digital signal Processing, Simulation Block, pedagogical sequence, conceptual model
Digital technology, digital simulator, sound waves, modeling process
Digital technology, documentation work, programming, students’ autonomy, teacher education
Distance learning, educator, academic staff, academic, communication, support
Doctoral studies, EUA-CDE, EHEA, Salzburg Principles
Documentational genesis, mathematics, professional knowledge, resources, software
Domestic violence, women, students, academic performance, primary school, teachers
Dyslexic, technology education, schooling adaptation, competencies
Early childhood, cultural-historical, sociocultural, early years, science education, technology education, engineering education.
Early childhood, graphical sign lexicons, repertoires, children’s mathematical graphics, emergent learners
Early childhood education, minerals, non-formal education, educational intervention
Early childhood education, science teaching, free/guided play, teacher’s role
Early Childhood Education for Sustainabilit, early biology education, ‘possible futures’-approach, design research
Early childhood environmental education, science education, preconceptions, home organic waste management
Early childhood science, drawing, young children’s ideas, change of state
Early childhood science education
Early childhood science education, kindergarten teachers’ presentations, teaching practices, empiricist teaching strategy
Early science teaching, children’s ideas, change of state, storytelling, drawing
Earth science curriculum, student learning, quality assessment, misconceptions, survey development
Earth science curriculum, student learning, quality assessment, validity and reliability study, survey development
Earth sciences concepts, nursery school, primary school, sedimentary rock, geological time
Earth’s shape
E-book, communication, experimental design, help for success, university
Ecological reasoning, nature’s predictability, two-tier questionnaire, nature views
Education, economics, applications, game, teacher
Educational Choices
Educational content, blackboard, morpho-dynamics, non temporalization of displacements in the gridlines
Educational design, Massive Open Online Course, motivation, interaction
Educational input, information, communication, technology, administration, institutions
Educational leadership, transformational leadership, effectiveness, democratic leadership
Educational leadership, transformational leadership, effectiveness, democratic leader-ship
Educational Policy
Educational programming languages, taxonomy, learning design, computational thinking, coding for learning
Educational Research
Educational robotics, acceptability, high school, elementary school
Educational robotics, programmable floor robot Bee-Bot, children’s mental representations
Educational robotics, teachers training, computational thinking, self-efficacy
Educational Sciences
Educational Sciences, Medicine
Educational sciences, researchers, training of teachers, polices.
Educational Sciences, Sociology
Educational sciences research – teacher training – effective practices – partnership – research place
Education for sustainable development, preschool children’s environmental reasoning, attitudes about environmental issues
Education-Higher Education
Education inequalities
Education policy, e-learning, leadership, Nigeria Secondary School, post Covid-19 pandemic
Education system
Education training, vocational knowledge, formal, informal, knowledge base, professionalization, universityzation, analysis of professional practices
Educative robotics, primary school, learning, micro-genetics approach, activity analysis
Electrical risks, domestic electricity, scientific education, prevention, conceptions, teachers
Electronic Search Skills, postgraduate Students, University of Hail.
Embedded systems
Emerging adulthood, Greece, distinctive characteristics, economic crisis
Emerging adulthood, higher education, university pedagogy, teacher students, pre-service teacher education
Emotional and behavioural difficulties, social and emotional learning, teacher-student relationships
Emotion recognition, emotion regulation, migrant children, intercultural adjustment
Energy, conceptual resources, epistemological resources, responsive teaching, responsive curriculum
Energy, conservation, transformation, equivalence, history of science
Energy, epistemological awareness, scientific constructs, trans-phenomenological aspect, system analysis
Energy, transformation, vertical path, primary, middle school
ENS, FOAD, Perceptions, difficulties, opportunities, students
Enseignement Supérieur
Entrepreneurship, education, didactic approach, teaching method
Entrepreneurship intention, entrepreneurship education, career development, perception, motivation
Environmental education, environmental issues, social representations, word associations, environmental conceptions
Epistemological beliefs
Epistemology of Social Sciences
Equity, Inequality
Ethical issues, Biological Sciences, PCK, Scientific Argumentation
European education policies
European higher education area
European policies, social justice, higher education, social demands
European Qualifications Framework, European Higher Education Area, lifelong learning, learning outcomes
Evaluation, modelisation, modeling tools, mechanical design
Evaluation, professional competences, initial teachers, didactic roles
Evolution of the living species, personal representation, pupil, primary school
Examens (initial, annuels, finaux)
Experimental activity, the experimental device, intensity of the current, material constrain
Expert teacher, prediction, time, technical drawing
Expert teacher, task, difficulty, prediction, technical drawing
Explanations construction, teaching, sciences, preschool
Eπιστήμες της Εκπαίδευσης
Eπιστήμες της Επαίδευσης
Force, difficulties, assimilation modeling activities, conceptions
Forensics Sciences, Digital Evidence
Fractions, concrete-representational-abstract approach, conceptual knowledge, low-achieving students, CRA effectiveness, instruction efficiency
France, Démocratisation, Inégalités, Enseignement Supérieur, Bourses
France, history of science, teaching, experimental sciences, Volta.
Functional analysis
Gamification Techniques
Gender, relationship to scientific knowledge, ROSE project, French student, secondary school science, science education
Generation Z
Genetic screening, arguments, Bioethics and Biotechnology students
Geology, Biology, time, explanatory register, obstacles
Geometrical thinking, angle, rotation, simulation, Scratch
Governing technology, performativity, the enterprising self, self-improvement, lifelong learning, teacher professional development
Greek, bilingualism, vowels, duration, F0, formants
Greek as foreign language, grammar instruction, students’ beliefs, error correction
Greek bound stems
Greek derivational affixes,
Greek ethnic schools, spatiality, heterotopia, third space, intercultural and language learning, diaspora
Greek higher education
Greek language, Lomonosov Moscow University, Byzantine and Modern Greek Philology
Greek Language, Portuguese, Teaching of Greek Language, Brazil
Greek mythology
Greek University
Groupe de recherche
Health education, educational styles, biomedical model, health promotion, textbooks
Health literacy, kindergarten teacher, qualitative research, content analysis
Health Self-management
Heptanese, Heptanesian dialect, Heptanesian idioms
Heracles’ private life
Heterogeneous Cloud Deployments
Heterogeneous computing
Higher Educatio
Higher Education
Higher education, "Idea of the University", pedagogical role, Multiuniversity, general education system
Higher Education, Democracy, Citizenship
Higher education, Oman, sociology of education, knowledge economy
Higher education, tertiary education, graduate tax, skills, student fees, students loans
Higher Education, University, democratic engagement, active citizenship, service learning
Higher Education / University Pedagogy, faculty development, educational needs, academics training preferences, perspectives on teaching and learning
Higher Education Policy
Higher Military Educational Institutions (ASEI) - ASEI Law- National Defence University- ASEI’s Evaluation.
Historiographie et Littératur
Historiography and Literature
History and Philosophy of Science, History and Philosophy of Mathematics, HP&ST
History of Education
Human reproduction, textbook analysis, secondary education, illustrations
Hydraulics bench, energy conceptions, model-based learning, primary education
Hypothesis writing, debate, inquiry, activity, speaking time
ICT, project-based education, teaching, training, socio-constructivist learning
ICT, technological innovation, computer simulators, ISTA/Kinshasa
ICT practices
Ideology, education, Ideological State Apparatus, materialism, consciousness
Immigrants, socio-economic status, habitus, educational aspirations and expectations, young people’s educational choices
Impact, university teaching, creativity, students, city of Kinshasa.
Inclusive education, early childhood education and care, pre-school inclusive education, pre-school teachers’ training needs
Indigenous education, biology education, models, living beings classification
Industrial research
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), Health, Students, University, Health Education and health promotion
Information Asymmetry
Initial training, pedagogical knowledge learning, identification methodology, activity control feedback loop, aware and unaware learning
Initial training, physics, experimental scientific approach, future teachers
Inquiry, learning tool, social media and university students
Inquiry, simulation, TACD, PCDR, mechanical wave
Inquiry based learning and teaching, primary school, intentions, scheme, conceptual knowledge
Inquiry-Based Science Education, biology in early childhood education, teaching practices in kindergarten, learning practices in kindergarten
Inquiry-based science education, previous experience, previous knowledge
Inquiry-based science education, primary science education, teacher support, class observation, France
Inquiry based science teaching, activity theory, professional didactics, teaching practice, intensity resonance, didactic contract
Inquiry based teaching, formulation of hypotheses, buoyancy, manipulation, students' ideas
Institutional Assessment, Strategic Planning, SWOT Analysis
Institutional quality
Instructional guidance, elementary school, mathematics, guidance, structure
Instrumental genesis, Cabri-Geometry II, comparison, secondary school
Instrumented activity, instrumental approach, technical object, artifact, teaching-learning
Integrated teaching, decompartmentalization of academic disciplines, science and technology
Intercultural activities, reflection, narratives, transformative learning
Intercultural competence, refugee identity, university course, candidate teachers, experiential learning
Intercultural sensitivity, interaction engagement, enjoyment, attentiveness, confidence, cultural differences, respect, Greek teachers
Interdisciplinarity, Higher Education Policy, Master Programmes, European Union
Internet of Things
IoT solutions
Issue, problem solving, preschool children, argumentation, STEM, engineering
Job Mismatches
John Henry Newman,“Idea of a University”, liberal education, science
Joint Action Theory for Didactics, synoptic representations, joint work, primary education, sciences
Jordanian private universities
Keywords Student-centered learning, governance, higher education, innovative teaching methods, teaching and learning approaches, quality of teaching, quality assurance, flexible learning paths
Kοινωνική δικαιοσύνη
L2 Greek
Labor Market,
Large-scale electricity generation systems, energy chain model, elementary education
Latin linguistics
Law Studies
Learning, digital technology, complexity, ICT, interdisciplinarity, didactic approach
Learning, education, entrepreneurship, Serious Games
Learning Analytics, epistemology, methodology, ethics
Learning material
Learning perspectives, quality of learning, students, academic integration, social integration, pedagogical context
Level of knowledge, practical work, high school, saponification
Levenshtein distance
Lexeme Formation
Lexical Integrity Hypothesis
Lifelong Learning, Greek Higher Education Institutions, Non-formal learning
Lifelong learning, perceptions, students
Life narratives, educators, intercultural capital, habitus
Linguistic Hegemony
Literacy, kindergarten, primary school, teachers’ perceptions and practices, co-operation, transition
LLL, Higher Education Institutions, institutions of continuing education
Logical-mathematical games, logical reasoning, operations and logical deductions, recurrence of logical-mathematical games in daily educational activities
Machine Learning
Man /woman
Marché du travail
Marketing Communications
Marketing Environment
Massive Open Online Courses, MOOC, teacher professional development, teacher readiness, MOOC perceived benefits and usefulness
Material and virtual resources, praxeology, task, technique, technology, register, number sense, place-value system, Chinese abacus
Mathematical training, probabilities, perceived self-efficacy beliefs, preschool teachers, inquiry-based approach
Mathematics curricula, professional development, teacher beliefs, pre-school mathematics, probability
Mathematics education, registers of semiotic representation, a priori analysis, devolution process, institutionnalisation process
Mature Policy Sub-System
Maurice Merleau-Ponty
Medicine, Plants, Vegetables, Fruits, Disease, Magic, Religion
Mental argumentation, property based thinking, meaning in mathematics, thinking globally, the role of symbols
Mental representations, shadows formation, primary education, geometrical optics, physics
Methodology, exploratory data analysis, inquiry based science education, teachers representations
Middle school, science learning, soil, geoscience
Mixed method, sequential analysis, inquiry
Mobility, ERAMSUS+, barriers to mobility, procedures for the recognition of periods of study, ECHE, Learning Agreement
Model, perception, abstraction, physics, Al-hiss al-mushtarak, Al-wahm, imagination
Modern Greek
Modern Greek as a second / foreign language, art, critical reflection, verbal production
Modern Greek gay argot Kaliardà, compounding, endocentricity, exocentricity
Modern Greek slang vocabulary, taboo words, offensiveness, tabooness
Modern Greek studies, Byzantine studies, Greek as a foreign language, linguodidactics, linguistic continuity.
Modern Greek studies, Greek language teaching, Literature teaching
Modern Greek studies, Strasbourg, Education. Research
Modern Greek studies, University of Granada
Monologue, egocentric speech, thought, enunciative dimension, education
Moscow State University of International Relations (MGIMO), the Greek Language Section, teaching of the Greek language, diplomat, future employment
Motivation, scientific career, school-university partnership, professional identity
Motive, preschool, science
Motives, in-service training, teacher capacity development
Multi-Group Moderating, Job Strain, Work Engagement, Job Demands
Museology, science education, archaeological museum, interdisciplinary interpretation of museum collections, archaeometry
Museum, Lifelong Learning, Civic Understanding, Social Connectedness, Aesthetic Perception, Critical Thinking
Mythic parallels
Narration, digital storytelling, Blendspace, Web 2.0 tools
Nature of science, COVID-19, socio-cultural embeddedness, tentativeness, creativity
Nature of Science, history of science, balance of nature
Nature of science, history of science, curriculum, innovative pedagogical units, secondary education
Nature of science, history of science, science teaching
Nature of science, teacher education, key-ideas, matrix of stages and strands, didactical units
Neo Aramaic
Neoliberal politics, school principal, school organization, educational leadership, assembly
Novice and experienced teachers
Online communities of practice, virtual communities of practice, systematic review
Open Educational Resources (OER), Webquest, Sustainable Development
Ordinary teaching, epistemic density, topogenesis, wave, celerity
Organizational inconsistency
OTC (Over the counter medicines), comparative analysis, health care professionals, lifelong learning
Parallel Systems
Participation, early mathematics, mathematising process, children’s initiatives, play pedagogies
Pattern, rule, manipulatives, generalization, preschool
Pedagogical Content Knowledge, PCK, Knowledge acquisition, Inquiry-Based Science Education, science
Pédagogie Universitaire, Étudiants, Dispositifs Pédagogiques, Qualité d’Enseignement
Pedagogy/pedagogik, didactics/didaktik, educational science, utbildningsvetenskap, Swedish Teacher Education
Perceptions, difficulties, students, Virtual University of Côte d'Ivoire (UVCI), open and distance training (FOAD)
PhD studies, PhD student, supervisor, research problem
Physical Sciences, Technology, secondary education, curriculum, Algeria, Morocco, Greece
Physics and Mathematics teaching, modelling
Physics Didactics
Physics education, epistemology, history of sciences
Physics education, investigation, problematization, buoyancy, video analysis, comparison of teaching
Physics Education, modern physics teaching, quantum concepts
Physics education, world image, theories and preoccupations, change of ideas
Physics learning, preschool, formation of the shadows, early science education, drawings
Pierre Bourdieu
PISA, press, globalisation, education policy, social imaginary
PISA, resilient students, Economic Social and Cultural Status, Finland, Portugal, Croatia
Plagiarism, distance learning, definitions, types, academic ethics
Pointe-à-Callière, archaeology, history, educative and cultural mediation, discovery experience
Policy convergence, education, semiotics, entropy, knowledge brokering
Policy research, fact/value distinction, epistemology, phronetic rationality, realism
Political Sciences
Politique de l’Éducation
Politique de Recherche
Postgraduate education
Postgraduate education, country attractiveness, AHP
Praxeology, intelligibility, traceability of objects of knowledge, movement on the grid
Praxeology, semiotic register, students’ initiatives, modeling
Preconceptions, air, Archaeological Museum of Ioannina, pre-causal thinking
Pre-enrolment factors
Pre-licensed psychologists
Preparation, physics and technology teachers, science and technology education, Greece
Pre-school, argumentation, reasoning, Toulmin
Preschool Children’s Biographies, lifeworlds, diversity, intercultural dialogue, intercultural learning
Preschoolers and categories, preschoolers and categorization criteria, preschoolers and category-based reasoning
Preschool teachers’ relationships and collaborations, self-reflection, self-reflection diary, students’ development and behavior, self-reflection issues
Pre-service and in-service early childhood teachers, professional learning and development, beliefs, early childhood education, early years, science, science pedagogy
Pre-service teachers
Pretend play, pedagogy, mathematics, English Nursery Schools, early years
Primary education, investigative approach, scientific and technological activities
Primary school pupils, sustainability, behavioural theories, sustainability behaviour, pro-social behaviours, sustainability knowledge
Private Higher Education
Problematization, scientific debate, epistemic analysis, constraints and necessities
Problem solving, conceptual understanding, square, construction, pre-school education
Problem solving, teaching, learning, knowledge, declaratory, procedural
Problem solving, verbal communication, cumulative talk, exploratory talk, investigative talk
Problems solving, knowledge, task, declarative, procedural, hierarchy
Professeurs d’École
Professional communication skills, situational teaching, teaching professional
Professional development, learning trajectories, student teachers, learning trajectories, expertise
Professional development, trainee teachers, WhatsApp, interaction.
Professional didactics, PCK, scheme, short retrospective regulation, inquired-based approach, science teaching, intensity resonance
Professional identity, beliefs, representations, knowledge
Professionalism, in-service teachers, pre-primary, primary education, perceptions
Prospective teachers, elementary school, pedagogical competency, scientific competency, science and technology
Public-Private Partnerships
Public University
Qualitative methodology, quantitative methodology, mixed methods, sampling, epistemology
Quality, culture, quality culture, quality assurance, educational principles
quality assurance
Quality assurance, SWOT analysis, strategic plan
Quality instruction, staff development, human resource, welfare, Nigeria
Réalité Sociale
Reasoning, semiotic modes, multimodal approach, physics teaching
Recherche Éducative
Refutational text, natural number bias, multiplication makes bigger, misconceptions, rational numbers
Regional Training Centres, Websites, trainers, evaluation
Relationship to knowledge
Relationship to knowledge. Historical foundations. Epistemological status
Relationship to knowledges
Relationship with knowledge
Relation to knowledge, freshman’s, psychology, higher education, academic achievement
Relativity of simultaneity, theory of conceptual fields, secondary school, Special Theory of Relativity
Representations, ICT uses
Research and Study Courses (RSC), algebraic functions, secondary school
Research Development
Research Organization
Research Policy
Research Team
Resource Utilization
Road condition monitoring system
Role, school principal, Greece, NPM, autonomy
RPWD Act, NIRF, Web Accessibility, NEP 2020, Digital Accessibility
School career, students, General High School, Vocational High School
School climate, school performance, students, Kinshasa, educational climate
School engagement, elementary school, transcultural validation, disadvantaged background
Schooling of disabled pupils, school ancillaries, science education, partnership
Science, English, Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), Joint Action Theory in Didactics (JATD), documentational approach of didactics
Science, investigation, école primaire, élèves en situation de handicap
Science, pseudoscience, expert, media, television, media format
Science, technology, curriculum, interdisciplinarity, integrated teaching
Science and mathematics education
Science disaffection, aims of science education, didactics, educational policy and administration
Science education, chemistry, conceptions, teaching practices, atomic models
Science Education, Mathematics Education, international testing, school curricula
Science education, participatory science, authenticity of learning, teaching practices, school-scientist partnerships
Science education, precursor models construction, flotation, teaching and learning strategy, preschool education.
Science education, scientific revolution, history and philosophy of science and
Science education, secondary school education, elementary thermodynamics, teacher training program
Science Education, Special Education, Early Childhood Education
Science exhibitions, technoscientific issues, practice and process, communicating controversy in science, critical viewer, negotiation
Science fiction, utopian literature, socialism, education
Science history, wave function, interpretation of quantum mechanics, epistemology
Science notebook, uses, PCK, training, practices
Sciences and technology, health education, particular teaching
Science teacher, teacher training, ground realities
Science - technology relations, technological education, social reference practices, social and professional representations
Scientific education, continuing education, teachers, high school, participatory museum, society museums, museum of civilisation, exhibition media, community of practice
Scientific partnerships, citizen science, teaching practices, science teaching
Scriptural competence, textual genetics, conceptual knowledge, science
Secondary school, elementary thermodynamics, first law of thermodynamics, adiabatic compression, alternative conceptions, linear causal reasoning
Self-directed learning, distance education, resistance to change
Semiotic representation registers, proportionality, problem solving, tabular register, graphical register
Sentiment analysis, opinion mining, education, commercial systems, benchmark
Serious game, learning, knowledge, skills, elementary school.
Serious game, robot pedagogy, cognitive mediation, activity analysis, last section of kindergarten
Serious games, education to sustainable development, experiential learning
Service-learning, character, social care, communicative, responsibility
Sex education
Sexually Transmitted Diseases, HIV/AIDS, Students, Health Education, Health Promotion
Shape of the earth, location of people on earth, the day/night cycle, mental models, children
Six Thinking Hats, decision-making, educational decisions, career guidance
Smart Cities
Snake, ambiguity, health in antiquity, healing cult, symbolism, ancient medicine, snake imagery, manipulation
Social capital, entrepreneurial character, entrepreneurship education
Social Dimension, Higher Education, Bologna Process
Social Dynamics
Social Reality
Society of knowledge, globalization, educators, higher education
Socio-cultural, historical approach, preschoolers’ interactions, explanatory schemes, conversational approach, science thinking and learning in early childhood
Sociologie de champ intellectue
Sociology of intellectual field
Socioscientific issue, citizenship education, knowledge, play role, sustainable energies
Sous-système politique mature
South Africa
Spatial awareness, direction, orientation, programmable toy Bee-Bot, educational scenario, preschool children’s representations
Spatial Semantics
Spatial skills, programming cards, Scratch Jr, tangible material, code learning
Special needs, autism spectrum disorder, science education, alternative conceptions on mechanics
Stability of teaching practices, Activity Theory, semiotic resources, video analysis
Staff Development, Teaching and Learning, Higher Education Institutions, Teachers, Perceptions
Steve Moore
Stress, university, campus, education, work responsibility
Student artifacts, nanotechnology, science communication, combination of formal-informal education
Student dropout, Greece, qualitative research, interview quality, stance of universalism
Student Loans
Student Participation in Governance
Students, Anxiety, Stress, University
Students, Department of Primary Education, student needs, educational support, psychological support, vocational orientation support, social dimension, EHEA.
Student self-efficacy
Students from working-class families
Students participation, collaborative learning, group discussion, student gender, engineering education
Students’ academic performance, statistics teaching, online education
Study choice, Social mobility, Inequalities in Education, Higher Education, Educational capital
Support system, small group learning, geometry, problem-solving
Synchronic syncretism, etymological (non coincidendal) homonymy: paradigmatic, extraparadigmatic, intraparadigmatic, homoparadigmatic
Système d'entrée à l'Université, Réglementation Européenne, Procédures d'Évaluation, Perspective International
Système éducatif, apprentissage, problématisation, complexité, approche systémique
Systems Inquiry, systemic methodology, adult education, dropout
Tax Optimization
Teacher education, reflective writing, professional development, professional knowledge
Teacher practices, joint action, interactive decision, technical object
Teacher Professional Development, MOOCs, Learning Analytics, ideas
Teachers, profession, schools
Teachers’ questions, classroom, analysis grid, TP of geology
Teachers’ science ideas, electromagnetism, secondary education
Teacher training, mathematics teaching, scheme, instrument
Teaching activity, patterns, operating invariants, inferences and rules of action
Teaching goals, science teachers, ideal teacher, philosophy of education
Teaching physics, the joint action theory in didactics, contract, mechanical signal
Teaching practice, higher education, TACD, determinant of action, organic chemistry
Teaching practice, JATD, automatic, game descriptors
Teaching practice, teachers, undergraduate students, exploratory study
Teaching practices, JATD, didactic action, didactic game, practical epistemology
Teaching practices, TACD, practical epistemology, transactions, transistor
Teaching practices, trigonometric formulas, ICT
Technical teaching, reform, Electric Engineering, French language, scientific subjects, difficulties
Technology education, curriculum, gender
Testing (entrance, annual, final)
Theoretical frameworks, preschool teaching scientific activities, rainbow
Theory based structure of knowledge
Total force on an immersed body, physics textbooks
Training of teachers, training program, professionalization, universitarisation
Transfer of energy, mechanical work, heat, semiotic actions, inscriptions
Transition, mathematics, coping styles, higher education, assessment
Transition professionnelle
Transversal Skills
Undergraduate specialization, painting, South-South Nigeria, last millennium, survey and Universities
Unemployment among graduates of universities, Academic Qualification, The fourth industrial revolution, Knowledge economy, Entrepreneurship and innovation
Université de Patras
Université Grecque
Université Publique
University, Degree, History
University, economy, democracy, leadership
University, Educational Policy, National Policy, University and Society, University and Economy
University. Brazil
University corporatization
University Entrance System, Uniqueness, European Regulations, Evaluation Procedures, International Prospective
University of Patras
University Pedagogy, Flipped Classroom, e-learning
University rankings
university students
University Studies
University Teaching Methods